Accounting Services For Hotels

Accounting Services For Hotels

Accounting services for the hotel business of any form from the company "First Accounting". We provide services for both large hotels and hostels or motels, both in small settlements and in cities of regional significance.

To ensure the stable and successful operation of a hotel, managers need to effectively manage financial resources and maintain control over cash flows. However, there are often difficulties related to the specifics of accounting for hotel services. A hotel accountant needs to keep detailed records of room reservations, catering, cleaning, business lunches, additional services that may be included in the bill for guests. This is quite a labor-intensive process. There are also problems related to the taxation of services provided and reporting on income and expenses. However, we can help you solve these tasks.

Accounting services for hotels and hostels include:

  1. Accounting for guest contributions. Our specialists carry out accurate accounting of all guest contributions, such as payment for accommodation, catering services, additional services, etc. We also keep track of payments through various channels, such as the availability of online bookings and payments via the Internet.
  2. Inventory accounting. Our accountants keep warehouse records of food supplies, drinks, bed linen, equipment, and other equipment.
  3. Accounting for cash and banking operations. We advise on the use of the cash register.
  4. Accounting for lending operations. We account for debts and debt repayments, monitor the presence of overdue debts, and accrue interest on loans. We advise on optimal and effective lending.
  5. Tax accounting. Our company's accountants keep records of VAT and other taxes levied on clients. We provide consultations on tax burden optimization within the framework of current legislation. This helps to significantly reduce tax and fee expenses. By contacting our company, you minimize the risks of violating tax legislation.
  6. Payroll accounting. We make accruals including the payment of basic wages, payment for room checks, and other types of incentive and compensatory payments. We tax and pay taxes and fees from wages.
  7. Accounting for settlements with customers and suppliers. Timely and quick accounting and provision of accounting documents will help you maintain a business reputation.
  8. Income and expense accounting. Our accounting will help reflect income and expenses to reduce income tax expenses.
  9. We compile and submit to the controlling authorities all forms of financial, tax, and statistical reporting.
  10. Audit of accounting and tax accounting in hotels, hostels for previous reporting periods, error correction.

Advantages of working with us:

  • experience working with hotels of different levels: we have provided accounting services for both small hostels and large hotels with significant volumes of activity;
  • professional approach to each client. Our specialists have the ability to communicate effectively with employees, clients and contractors, as well as to work in a team and coordinate with other specialists;
  • individual approach to the needs of each client. Our company provides its clients with ongoing support and advice in all matters related to accounting, tax optimization and reporting, taking into account the specifics of the activities and services of hotels of various levels;
  • use of modern accounting software;
  • competitive prices for services. The cost of our services is quite optimal for the high quality of services we offer;
  • high quality of services provided. We provide our clients with a professional approach to accounting, providing them with the highest level of service and assistance
  • full control over the financial activities of the hotel. Our experts are experienced in analyzing and forecasting financial indicators such as hotel profitability, balance of payments, expenses and profits. We provide recommendations on how to eliminate shortcomings and improve the financial condition of the hotel;
  • providing recommendations on optimizing tax payments.

The specialists of our company in hotel accounting services have the following advantages of their professional competence:

  • Experience working with hotels. Our company's specialists understand the specifics of financial activities in the hotel business, such as the specifics of accounting for the tourist fee, accounting for cash and non-cash operations, interaction with banks, and others;
  • Knowledge of tax and accounting legislation. An accountant for a hotel or hostel has deep knowledge of national and international legislation on accounting and tax law, and also constantly expands his knowledge, monitors all changes and additions to the legislation;
  • Professional competence in the field of accounting. Our company ensures more efficient work of clients, which allows reducing the time and money required for accounting and reporting;
  • Experience working with accounting software. Our accountants have experience working with programs such as 1C:Accounting, M.E.DOC, Dilovod, MASTER:Accounting, BOOKKEEPER, Accounting Saas, Online Accounting, iFin Zvit, etc.;
  • A high level of English proficiency. We provide accounting services to foreign clients.