Accounting Services For Gas Stations

Accounting Services For Gas Stations

The company "First Accounting" offers a full range of accounting services for gas stations (GS). We employ accountants with many years of experience. They are competent in all matters related to the accounting of petroleum products at GS, the calculation and registration of information on excise tax, control of fuel reserves, and other accounting services for GS. Our specialists ensure the accuracy and timeliness of reflecting all economic operations. Therefore, we guarantee that we will provide the highest quality of service for our clients.

GS accounting outsourcing services include:

  • Assistance in obtaining a license for the sale of excisable goods;
  • Accounting for petroleum products and other goods; ;
  • Accounting for excise tax, formation, and registration of excise invoices in SEARP; ;
  • Registration of flow meters; ;
  • Registration of the cash register; ;
  • Control of available fuel balances and their correct reflection in accounting; ;
  • Registration of a reference on consolidated data for the day of fuel sales; ;
  • Accounting for fuel vouchers; ;
  • Accounting for settlements with customers; ;
  • Accounting with suppliers, control of accounts payable; ;
  • Client-bank management; ;
  • Formation and registration of tax invoices in UERP; ;
  • Personnel accounting, employment contract registration; ;
  • Calculation and taxation of employee salaries; ;
  • Consulting on tax payment optimization; ;
  • Accounting for income and expenses, financial results of GS operations; ;
  • Preparation and submission of reports to tax and other regulatory authorities; ;
  • Analysis and planning of financial activities, development, and implementation of financial strategies for GS; ;
  • Consultations on accounting and taxation; ;
  • Audit of GS accounting, compliance with legislation regulating GS activities in Ukraine; ;
  • Recommendations for improving the financial efficiency of the enterprise. ;

Advantages of working with us:

  • experience working with hotels of different levels: we have provided accounting services for both small hostels and large hotels with significant volumes of activity;
  • professional approach to each client. Our specialists have the ability to communicate effectively with employees, clients and contractors, as well as to work in a team and coordinate with other specialists;
  • individual approach to the needs of each client. Our company provides its clients with ongoing support and advice in all matters related to accounting, tax optimization and reporting, taking into account the specifics of the activities and services of hotels of various levels;
  • use of modern accounting software;
  • competitive prices for services. The cost of our services is quite optimal for the high quality of services we offer;
  • high quality of services provided. We provide our clients with a professional approach to accounting, providing them with the highest level of service and assistance
  • full control over the financial activities of the hotel. Our experts are experienced in analyzing and forecasting financial indicators such as hotel profitability, balance of payments, expenses and profits. We provide recommendations on how to eliminate shortcomings and improve the financial condition of the hotel;
  • providing recommendations on optimizing tax payments.

By collaborating with us, you can benefit from:

  • Quality accounting and reporting. Our professionals ensure accurate and timely accounting at GS for all financial operations and prepare reports according to the law. We employ accountants with relevant education and many years of experience. Our company provides accounting services for both small GS and large networks. So you can be sure that all services will be provided on time and correctly; ;
  • Our accounting company offers professional GS services that help avoid accounting errors and legal issues; ;
  • Proper and effective accounting and reporting will ensure effective financial management of your business. Our specialists will help you compile and control your GS budget, allowing you to efficiently allocate resources and plan further steps; ;
  • We provide an individual approach to each client, solve all accounting issues arising during economic activities. Also, our representatives can assist in interacting with state and tax authorities; ;
  • Time and money savings. With us, you can focus on the strategic development of your business, and we will take over all GS accounting, saving your time and money; ;
  • Support in relationships with counterparties. We provide consultations on interactions with counterparties and carry out prompt and correct document circulation in modern accounting programs. ;

Description of the professional competence of the company's specialists in GS accounting services:

  • Our specialists have a deep understanding of the specifics of the GS business, including fuel supply processes, inventory management, sales, and other operations related to the station's functioning. This allows them to effectively analyze the financial activities of GS and ensure accurate accounting; ;
  • Our accountants are knowledgeable about tax laws and can apply them to the financial activities of GS. They understand the tax obligations of GS regarding fuel movement reporting, excise tax calculation, and ensure that accounting complies with tax norms; ;
  • Our company's employees monitor reporting and declaration requirements. So they will help you not only correctly and timely submit reports but also interact with tax authorities; ;
  • Our specialists can analyze financial information, detect deviations, trends, and causes of financial results. They conduct financial calculations, assess risks, and will help develop recommendations for GS financial management. ;

Our specialists are ready to provide all necessary accounting services for your GS in terms of accounting, taxation, and reporting as accurately, efficiently, and timely as possible.
You just need to contact our specialists in a way that is convenient for you.