Accounting Services For Joint Stock Companies (JSC)

Accounting Services For Joint Stock Companies (JSC)

Effective and accurate accounting is one of the main components of successful business management. Joint stock companies require significant resources for accounting services, as the accounting of JSCs has many peculiarities and nuances. Our accounting firm has many years of experience working with JSCs. Our specialists are familiar with all the legislative requirements for the accounting of a joint stock company. By using our comprehensive accounting services, you can delegate all your complexities to professionals and focus on your main tasks.

Comprehensive accounting outsourcing for joint stock companies (JSC) includes services:

  • Reflecting the formation of the company's equity in accounting;
  • Maintaining and updating the shareholder register, accounting for information about shareholders' stakes in the company's capital;
  • Reflecting business operations in accounting records;
  • Conducting cash and banking operations, client-bank management;
  • Accounting and documentation of settlements with buyers and suppliers;
  • Implementation and management of electronic document flow of the joint stock company;
  • Calculation and preparation of tax returns for joint stock companies, including income tax, VAT, excise, and other taxes for which JSCs are payers;
  • Registration of tax invoices in the URTI;
  • Formation of tax reporting, payment of taxes and mandatory payments;
  • Calculation of wages and deductions from them, calculation and payment of contributions to social insurance;
  • Accounting for the distribution of dividends among shareholders;
  • Accounting for income, expenses, and financial results of the JSC;
  • Preparation of public financial statements of the joint stock company;
  • Reporting to shareholders and regulatory authorities;
  • Audit of the financial activities of the joint stock company;
  • Tax payment planning, advice on risk minimization, and optimization of tax burden within the current legislation;
  • Analysis of financial activities: includes analysis of financial indicators, calculation of profitability, and other financial indicators that allow understanding the effectiveness of the joint stock company's activities;
  • Providing consultations on taxation and accounting issues;
  • Consultations on financial management, including budget planning, working capital management, and development of financial strategies.

Advantages of working with us:

  • We provide a comprehensive range of accounting and financial reporting services to meet the needs of shareholders, stakeholders, and regulators. Our accountants prepare and analyze financial statements and can also form management reports for full control and management of the joint stock company. Proper, timely, and effective accounting will ensure timely information for managers and shareholders. This will help make the right management decisions for the development of the JSC and improve its financial condition;
  • Experience: We have many years of experience in providing accounting services for joint stock companies, which allows us to understand the specifics of this form of business and provide quality services taking into account all legislative requirements. Comprehensive accounting services for JSCs by professionals will help reduce risks and also ensure that the activities of the joint stock company comply with legislation and regulatory requirements;
  • Efficiency: We provide our clients with timely and accurate services, allowing managers to focus on their core business and business development. You don't need to engage in the selection of accounting staff or control their work. With our company, you can fully delegate responsibilities to us and be confident in the correctness of accounting and timeliness of reporting;
  • Cost savings for accountants for the joint stock company, including salaries of accounting staff, expenses for equipment, software, etc.;
  • Individual approach: We work with each client individually and taking into account their needs, goals, and business strategy. With us, you can choose the necessary package of accounting services according to the needs of accounting for your type of activity;
  • Availability: We are always available for our clients and are ready to help solve any questions and problems regarding their accounting services.

The company also provides additional services:

  • Registration of a joint stock company with controlling authorities;
  • Creation of founding documents and orders of the JSC;
  • Documentary execution of the results of general meetings of JSC shareholders;
  • Support in opening accounts in banks.